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Archivos de Andorra

National Archives of Australia

State Archives in Belgium

Library and Archives of Canada

Dublin City Archive

Dublin City Archives contain the historic records of the municipal government of Dublin from the 12th century to the present

The Estonian Historical Archives

The Estonian Historical Archives preserves records of former central administrative institutions on the Estonian territory, court and police organs, materials of knighthood (Baltic-German nobility), local governments of towns and rural areas. We also hold records of churches and educational institutions as well as manors and personal files and also various kinds of documentation that belonged to societies and enterprises. Here you can find rare documents, seals and original letters of governors, parchments, engravings and photographs and the largest collection of historical maps in Estonia

EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents From Western Europe

Historical Archives of the European Communities

Archives in Germany

Historical Text Archive

  • Helsinki Archives

    Iceland National Archives

    International Council on Archives

    The International Council on Archives (ICA) is dedicated to the advancement of archives worldwide. Archives, by providing evidence of human activities and transactions, underlie the rights of individuals and States, and are fundamental to democracy and good governance. Archives safeguard the memory of mankind by preserving records of its past. In pursuing the advancement of archives, ICA works for the protection and enhancement of the memory of the world

    National Archives of Ireland

    Italy Archivi di Stato

    Koblenz Federal archives

    Centre historique des archives nationales Paris

    Situé à Paris dans le Marais, le Centre historique des Archives nationales conserve et communique les archives de la France depuis les Mérovingiens jusqu'en 1958. Aux archives des organismes et établissements d'Ancien Régime supprimés à la Révolution, se sont ajoutées au fil des siècles les archives des administrations centrales de l'Etat, des archives privées, les minutes des notaires parisiens. L'histoire du CHAN commence à la Révolution française

    Archives New Zealand

    US National Archives

    Netherlands National Archives